Monday, November 19, 2007

Skive Magazine Undergoes 'Hemodialysis'

'Hemodialysis' has been accepted for publication and should be appearing in the December 2007 issue of Skive Magazine. Skive is published quarterly and contains 'short stories from some of the world's most exciting authors.'

While I certainly don't consider myself one of 'the world's most exciting authors', I am certainly pleased to have my story appear in Skive. The last few months have been fairly uneventful from a creative standpoint, and this is definately a shot in the arm.

On a side note, 'Re-entry' doesn't appear to have been accepted into the Zombie Anthology that closed all the way back in May. Not really surprised, it was a bit of a rush job, and upon re-reading it, there were a hell of a lot of typos and such. Not my best work by a long shot. Plus upon doing some digging around, it looks like a lot of stories had already been accepted as early as December last year. To be honest I'm pleased in a way that it won't be seeing the light of day just yet. The overall story was really great (in my mind) and the 7000 word limitation and rushed writing could have never done it justice. Essentially the story captured a twenty minute period at the climax of the story, and none of the great build-up to it. I'll leave the idea on the backburner and I might get back around to it as a novel... assuming I ever finish UC that is.

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