As promised, Twisted Tongue Issue #7 is finally out. I received official word that the magazine had came out this morning as I got ready for work, so I haven't had much time to peruse it (aside from my own work), but it definitely looks to be packed with a lot of interesting writing and illustrations. Over 100 pages of fiction, interviews, poetry in fact. Worth a read for sure.
'The Cloud' can be found on page 23. 'Supreme Hunter' on page 98.
Website: Twisted Tongue
Monday, August 20, 2007
Twisted Tongue
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Twisted Tongue #7 'Coming Soon'
Just a quick post to say that the August issue of Twisted Tongue should be coming out in the next few days. As you can probably guess, two of my stories, 'Supreme Hunter' and 'The Cloud' will be featured in this issue, and I'll post news additional on this as soon as I find out the exact details.
PS. Greetings to any new visitors that may have found their way to my blog after viewing mini-biography in Twisted Tongue.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Like Hotcakes?
It appears that most of my work is being published almost as quickly as I can churn it out. While I'm extremely pleased with my progress so far, the whole situation has become somewhat of a double-edged sword, especially for a guy who writes as a hobby. A blessing and a curse. I didn't really expect to get a lot of this published so quickly, which probably harks back to my previous rant about targeting markets.
Now I'm in kind of a bind...
Aside from a couple of stories awaiting the thumbs-up or thumbs-down, I'm pretty much out of material at the moment. Work and family life has been fairly chaotic of late, and on the work front, it's probably going to get even more chaotic in the coming month. Truth be told, I'm not sure I can even tolerate another month without some time off... I'm ready the fucking snap. I want to rest. I want to write. I can't do either.
I'm burnt out.
While I get my shit together, I'll wait to see what happens with the two stories I have out in the wild. 'Hemodialysis' is a short story with dark twist, set in the world of dialysis and organ donors. 'Re-entry' is another short (around 7000 words) aimed at Altair Australia's recent call for Zombie stories back in April/May. I'm not holding my breath on 'Re-entry'. The premise of the story is pretty cool (at least in my mind), but I had to write it at short notice - which is fairly evident upon rereading the story a couple of months later. Either way, I'm pretty sure that I have a decent story under the rough exterior; with a little more spit-polish I am certain that I will get it published somewhere, in some form.
Anyway, time to recharge the old battery.