Sunday, July 26, 2009


A brand new story of mine called 'Dog-E' should be hitting an issue of AntipodeanSF in the coming months - hopefully before the end of the year, but who knows. Yeah, it's another flash fiction story, but that's all I really get time to write at the moment. The title and the first three quarters of the story sound a bit like the opening scene to a Disney kids animation, but as anyone who follows my work would know, there's a always an interesting twist to the story in the last couple of paragraphs. Stay tuned for info on a publication date!

Beam Me Up Gets An Interrogation

Thanks to Paul over at Beam Me Up for reading my story 'Interrogation #8' on air as part of the program back on July 11. It's great to get a bit of exposure outside of Australia, as well as hear your words outside of your own head. Good job and I'd certainly be happy to have any future work appear as part of the show.