Saturday, October 31, 2009

I Can't Stand Halloween

What the hell is it with Halloween? When did it suddenly take-off here in Australia? I'm all for kids being kids, and their right to have some fun, but is it just me, or does Halloween need to take a hike. As far as I'm concerned the whole popularity of Halloween here is just a perpetuation of the continual Americanisation of our fine country. Halloween might appear harmless and just a bit of fun, but in reality it is symptomatic of the erosion of our culture, and everything we embrace as proud Australians. We don’t need another completely pointless American influence on our country, there’s far too many as it stands.

Maybe I'm just a cranky pants, but my main beef with Halloween is the fact that you and I, and every person who lives on a suburban street, has to participate in this ridiculous festivity. We aren't wilful participants either. We all get dragged into Halloween purely because we might reside in a dwelling where lollies (or candy for the Americans) can be obtained at the threat of a 'trick'. If you want to celebrate Christmas or Festivus, at least you can do it in the privacy of your own home well away from everyone else. Halloween you can't escape. Unless you want to turn off all your lights and hide, or do what I did and post a sign on your door stating that you have no interest in Halloween, kids are going to come to your house and interrupt your peace and quiet.

Here’s the sign that I posted on my front door:

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Sure, I’m a prick, but that’s the way I am when I feel strongly. When all is said and done, I’m afraid that the uptake of Halloween in this country seems inevitable. It’s unstoppable... like a Terminator.

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