Sunday, October 3, 2010

Where Has A Year Gone?

It's hard to believe that it has almost been one year since I last wrote anything on my unofficially-official blog... so for the one or two people who may regularly follow my rants and updates, I humbly apologise. Life has been 'interesting' over the last nine or so months: losing friends, gaining friends, moving, constantly changing priorities, new work opportunities. Life gets in the road of hobbies like writing, and let's face it, writing is, and probably forever will be just a hobby for yours truly.

My motivation to write has wained. Writer's block mainly, but I've also become more in demand, meaning even if I had the motivation to write, I probably wouldn't have the time to do it. That doesn't mean that I haven't had anything published since last year - actually I've had four or five pieces of fiction get out in the wild, primarily AntipodeanSF, but also a little micro-fiction:

'Switch' - AntipodeanSF #146 (August 2010)
'Depopulation' - AntipodeanSF #144 (June 2010)
'Descend The Shades Of Night' - FLASHSHOT (May 2010)
'Aloha or Bust' - AntipodeanSF #139 (January 2010)
'Dog-E' - AntipodeanSF #138 (December 2009)

I guess that's, what, thirteen individual pieces of fiction published so far? Thirteen is a nice number, but I'm definitely not done yet.

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